jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015


 Hello parents here you can know what works your sons or daughters should have on their notebooks during October.

    S   E   C   O   N   D       G   R   A   D   E

   S  o  c  i  a  l     S  t  u  d  i  e  s      2°  Section  II.

1. Cover page (Orange Frame).
2. Europe, 2000 BC - AD 1500 (Summary).
3. Exercise: Answer the questions (5).
4. Illustration of "The Parthenon".
5. Mental Maps - Greece (5).
6. Exercise- Unscramble the letters (3).
7. The Roman World ( Summary).
8. Study Guide (with answers, pasted on notebook page by page).
9. Exam.

     U  s  e     o  f      E  n  g  l  i  s  h    2°  Sections III, IV.

1. Cover page (Orange Frame).
2. Use of Get. (summary).
3. Countable and Uncountable (summary).
4. Comparatives and Superlatives (summary).
5. Study Guide (with answers, pasted on notebook page by page).
6. Book Pages: 1-9.
7. Exam.

    S  o  c  i  a  l     S  t  u  d  i  e  s     2°   Section V. 

1. Cover page (Orange Frame).
2. Europe, 2000 BC - AD 1500 (Summary).
3. Exercise: Answer the questions (10).
4. Illustration of "The Parthenon".
5. Exercise- Write 5 important things about "The Parthenon".
6. Mental Maps - Greece (5).
7. The Roman World (Summary).
8. Exercise Unscramble the letters ( 3).
9. Study Guide (with answers, pasted on notebook page by page).
10. Exam.


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