domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016

APRIL- Contents.

                           THIRD GRADE CONTENTS:
  3° Literature II.
- Are animals intelligent?  Synonyms (page 64)
- Animals in traditional stories. Guessing meaning from context (page 70).

3° Use of English III.
- Present Passive review.
- Let / be allowed to.

3° Social Studies VI, VII.
- Brazil (Page 106).
- Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay (Page 112).

                            SECOND GRADE CONTENTS:

2° Social Studies II.
- Europe since 1945 (Page 92).

2° Use of English III, IV.
- Present Passive.
- Let / be allowed to. 
- Vocabulary: Describing person´s age.

2° Social Studies V. 
- Europe since 1945 (Page 92). 

APRIL- Evaluation Criteria.

Students you are in April now, I´m very happy of all the effort you have done through all this last months, keep working ´cause in this month you´ll present an exam.

                      EVALUATION CRITERIA

                      30%   Exam.
                      35%  Work in book and notebook. (exercises with answers,summaries, dates in .                                                                              English, cleanliness).
                      35% Study Guide.