viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

NOVEMBER 2nd grade- Themes and Evaluation Criteria..

Hi students here you can see which themes are we going to learn during the month of November and the Evaluation Criteria.

Use of English 2° III, IV. 

- Past Continuous VS Past Simple.
- Past Continuous.
- Vocabulary: Get.

Social Studies 2° II.

History of Early Modern Europe (1500-1900).
- The Renaissance and Reformation. 
- Science and exploration.
- Political change in Europe.
- The Industrial Revolution.

Social Studies 2° V.  

History of Early Modern Europe (1500-1900).
- The Renaissance and Reformation. 
- Science and exploration.
- Political change in Europe.
- The Industrial Revolution.


                         40% Quizzes
                         20% Speaking ability.
               +        15% Project. 
                         15% Notebook and Book (Classwork).
                         10% Homework.
                        100% Final Average.

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