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Social Studies 2° I.
ES4- 614
Guía de Social Studies correspondiente al mes de OCTUBRE
2° Sección I.
I. Answer the questions:
1. A city- state, rival of Athens: S __ __ __ __ a.
2. A temple of the goddess Athena: P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ n .
3. Blending of Greek culture with other cultures: H __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ c.
4. Famous Atheninan leader: P __ __ __ __ __ __ s .
5. A period in a country´s history marked by great achievements:
G__ __ __ __ __ A __ __.
6. Conqueror, his empire stretched from Greece to India: A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ r.
7. Political Unit made up of a city and surrounding land : C __ __ __ S __ __ __ __.
8. Invaded Greece around 500 BC : P __ __ __ __ __ __ s.
9. A type of government in Athens: D __ __ __ __ __ __ __ y.
10. Powerful emperor became a Christian by itself: C __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ e.
II. Write the meaning of the next words:
1. A.D- __________________________________________________________.
2. B.C. - _________________________________________________________.
3. map - _________________________________________________________.
4. geography-_____________________________________________________.
5. globe- _________________________________________________________.
6. region - ________________________________________________________.
7. resources- _____________________________________________________.
8. civilization-_____________________________________________________.
9. culture -________________________________________________________.
10. trade-_________________________________________________________.
III. Color Greece with purple and Rome with green.
IV. Choose the best answer a or b and underline.
1. In what year did the Christianity was supported and grown so much that an emperor chose to ban all other religions?
a. 480s b. 380
1 2. Which
religion was persecuted by the Roman leaders?
a. Muslims b.
1 3. How
many years did the Pax Romana lasted?
a. About 100 years b.
about 200 years
4. How
many years did the Pax Romana lasted?
a. About 100 years b.
about 200 years
5. What
are the aqueducts?
a. Canals used to carry land over long distances
b. Canals used to carry water over long
6. Who
was Rome’s first Emperor?
a. Julius Caesar b.
7. What
is a Republic?
a. A type of government in which people elect leaders to
make laws for them
b. A government that includes many different people and
8. Which
rulers had a strong influence on the early development of Roman Culture?
a. The Etruscans b.
9. Which
were the first and the last places that Alexander conquered?
a. Greece, Western India b.
Parthia, North India
10. How
many years did it take Alexander to establish his Empire?
a. About 11 years b.
about 15 years
Social Studies 2° II.
Prof. __Margie E. Muñoz Viruega _. Sección: II. Fecha: _________________________________.
I. For
each group of terms below, write the letter of the term that does
not relate to the others. Then write a sentence that explains how the other 2
terms are related.
1. Athens Sparta Rome
2. City
3. Crusade republic empire
4. Senate citizen colony
II. Answer
the following questions:
5. What was the Pax Romana?
6. Who invented the
7. What is a city –
8. The Parthenon was the
temple of the goddess: _________________________.
9. What was the golden age?
10. After the Persian
invasion, the people of Greece made amazing advances in:
______________________________, ___________________________ and ___________________________.
11. What’s the name of the leader who
ruled Athens in the 400 BC?
12. Democracy was first
practiced in which city-state of Ancient Greece?
13. The first Roman
emperor to become a Christian was named
14. How many years did
it take Alexander to establish his Empire?
15 Which were the first and the
last places that Alexander conquered?
16. Which rulers had a
strong influence on the early development of Roman Culture?
III. Write if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. If they
are false, correct them
17. A Republic is a type of Government that
includes many people and lands under the same rulers.
18. Rome's first emperor was Julius Caesar
19 Aqueducts are canals used to carry water over
long distances
20. The Pax Romana lasted 100 years .
21. The Christian religion was persecuted
by the Roman leaders
22. Christianity was supported and grown so much
that an emperor chose to ban all other religions in
the year 480
23 Octavian was a powerful emperor who became
a Christian by itself
24. The citizens were a rich and powerful
group who helped run the city.
25. The
Romans created a new type of government: a republic.
26 The
forum was a public square where politics were discussed.
27. Julius
Caesar conquered many new lands for Rome.
IV. Write the definition of the following terms:
1. A.D.
2. B.C.
3. map
4. geography
5. globe
6. region
7. resources
8. civilization
9. culture
Literature 2° III, IV.
Alumno: ___________________________________________ 2° SECCIÓN: III, IV.
I. Answer the questions with the text on page 10:
The experience of a lifetime
1.- What's Gavin's first degree?________________________________________.
2.- Where did he study? ______________________________________________.
3.- What did he decide to study?________________________________________.
4.- Where did his friend study a degree? _________________________________.
5.- Where did Gavin decide to go? ______________________________________.
6.- How long did he stay there? ________________________________________.
7.- What city did he went back to?______________________________________.
8.- What new place did he decide to go to study Spanish? ___________________________________.
2. Complete the sentences.
1.- "In Mexico City I stayed with a _______________________ family..."
2.- "I worked __________________________ in a restaurant and ____________________ some
3.- "I moved to Guadalajara, my ________________ was bigger and I ______________________ an apartment"
4.- My ______________________ months there were the best!"
5.- "...I graduated _______ __________________ later with a ___________________ in Spanish"
6.- "I started working for an __________________________ company in Madrid"
7.- "Madrid is such an ___________________________ and historic city to live in"
8.- " I met a Spanish girl named ___________________________. Six months ago, we
______________ ______________________!
3. Define these expressions:
1.- When someone gets annoyed, he gets irritated or __________________
1.- When someone gets annoyed, he gets irritated or __________________
2.- To have different values is to have different ____________________________
3.- When someone investigates, he / she makes a _________________________
4.- When something is mislead, it it _____________________________________
5.- To prevent from something bad is to _________________________ something.
6.- To have a budget is to have a ____________________ _____________________
7.- When something is economical, it is __________________________________
8.- To socialize with someone is to ____________________ _____________________
with someone.
4. A Study these notes about defining relative clause words:
Defining relative clauses are two sentences joined by "Wh-" words. These words
refer to specific information:
That: It introduces a piece of information that is necessary.
Where: It refers to a particular place or event
Who: It refers to a person or a group of people
When: It refers to time
Other "Wh-" words are:
Which: It refers to any object or animal
Whose: It refers to the possession of someone. In other words, it refers to
something that a person has.
4 - B Complete the sentences:
1.- The university ___________ Gavin chose to study a degree in Spanish
was Temple University.
2.- The job ___________ he got in Madrid was in an advertising company.
3.- The people ___________ he studied with, in Panama were very friendly.
4.- Adela was the girl ___________ he got married with.
5.- Mexico City was the place _________________ he was for just a month.
6.- The place _______________ he got a part-time job was in a restaurant.
7.- A year later his graduation at Temple University was __________ he got
a job in Spain.
8.- Six months ago is __________________ he got married.
5. Answer the questions
with the text on page 16:
1.- What's Hertford House? _______________________________________
2.- How many students are there? __________________________________
3.- What are the ages of the students? ______________________________
4.- Additional to academic subjects, what are the four creative classes?
5.- How often are the school meetings held?__________________________
6.- Except for safety regulations, who makes the rules? ______________________________________
7.- What two activities do parents usually do in the school?____________________________________
8.- What two activities have an extra
cost? ___________________________
9.- What is the monthly cost of $65 for? ____________________________
6. The next sentences have a mistake; correct it.
Example: Hertford House is located in Vancouver, Canada
No, it's in Toronto
1.- This school develops feelings of individuality, responsibility, and independence.
No, ___________________________________________________________
2.- At Herford House, parents are encouraged to take classes.
No, ___________________________________________________________
3.- Parents accept partial responsibility in the life of the school.
No, ___________________________________________________________
4.- Students are forced to take classes and do homework.
No, ___________________________________________________________
5.- Parents are expected to give at least 100 hours to the school per semester.
No, __________________________________________________________
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