50% Exam.
25% Notebook and book.
25% Study Guide.
C O N T E N T S :
+ Use of English
Sections III, IV.
*Future predictions.
Will, might, might not, is likely to.
*First Conditional.
If / Unless.
*Verbs with prepositions.
arguing with.
+Social Studies
Sections V, VI.
*Caribbean South America
- Physical Geography.
- Colombia.
- Venezuela and the Guianas.
+Social Studies.
Sections III, VI.
*Southern Europe.
- Physical Geography.
- Greece
- Italy
- Greece
- Spain and Portugal.+ Use of English
Section IV.
-A person´s age.
- Toddler, young adult, a teenager, a child, a pensioner, baby.
Let / be allowed to.